As doctors race to the finish line for attestation of meaningful use, one EMR vendor has revamped their ePrescribing feature to help doctors get the most reimbursement amount possible. Voted as the best EMR software by Brown-Wilson’s Black Booking Ranking survey for their ePrescribe function, Practice Fusion simplified and streamlined their free ePrescribe software to make attestation an easier endeavor.
By not charging doctors for the software service, Practice Fusion feels that doctors are able to maximize reimbursement without making a big investment. The changes made include pre-populated patient prescription histories and a drug and allergy interaction alert screen for clinical decision support. To improve doctor workflow, the number of click-through screens to complete a prescription was reduced in half and features an improved faster search for commonly prescribed drugs.
The best EMR software company’s ePrescribing system conversion was based on the feedback response of doctors who are already familiar with Practice Fusion. "It's a new year and we are focused on developing new free technology that saves lives, while delivering a great experience every time a doctor signs on," said Ryan Howard, CEO and Founder of Practice Fusion. "Even one less click means physicians can spend more time focusing on the patient and delivering quality care."
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